Player Commands

All of the permissions below start with “griefprevention.”. For example, “restorenature” is “griefprevention.restorenature”. See the full list of permissions for more details.

/AbandonClaimDeletes the claim you’re standing in. claims
/ClaimExplosionsToggles if explosions are allowed in the claim. claims
/TrustGives another player permission to edit in your claim./tclaims
/UnTrustRevokes any permissions granted to a player in your claim./utclaims
/AccessTrustGives a player permission to use your buttons, levers, and beds./atclaims
/ContainerTrustGives a player permission to use your buttons, levers, beds, crafting gear, containers, and animals./ctclaims
/TrustListLists the permissions for the claim you’re standing in. claims
/SubdivideClaimsSwitches your shovel to subdivision mode, so you can subdivide your claims./scclaims
/RestrictSubclaimRestricts a subclaim, so that it inherits no permissions from the parent claim./rscclaims
/BasicClaimsPuts your shovel back in basic claims mode./bcclaims
/PermissionTrustGrants a player permission to share his permission level with others./ptclaims
/Untrust AllRemoves all permissions for all players in your claim. claims
/AbandonAllClaimsDeletes all of your claims. claims
/BuyClaimBlocksConverts server money to claim blocks./BuyClaimbuysellclaimblocks
/SellClaimBlocksConverts claim blocks to server money./SellClaimbuysellclaimblocks
/GivePetGives away a tamed animal. givepet
/ClaimsListLists a player’s claims and claim block details. claims
/IgnorePlayerIgnores a target player’s chat messages./Ignoreignore
/UnIgnorePlayerUn-ignores a target player’s chat messages./UnIgnoreignore
/IgnoredPlayerListLists all players currently ignored./IgnoreListignore
/SiegeBesieges a player (disabled by default). siege
/TrappedGets a player out of a land claim he’s trapped inside. trapped
/UnlockDropsAllows other players to pick up items you dropped when you died. unlockdrops

Admin Commands

All of the permissions below start with “griefprevention.”. For example, “restorenature” is “griefprevention.restorenature”. See the full list of permissions for more details.

/RestoreNatureSwitches the shovel tool to restoration mode./rnrestorenature
/RestoreNatureAggressiveSwitches the shovel tool to aggressive restoration mode./rnarestorenatureaggressive
/RestoreNatureFill Switches the shovel tool to fill mode./rnfrestorenatureaggressive
/IgnoreClaimsToggles ignore claims mode./icignoreclaims
/AdminClaimsSwitches the shovel tool to administrative claims mode./acadminclaims
/DeleteAllAdminClaimsDeletes all administrative claims. adminclaims
/AdminClaimsListLists all administrative claims. adminclaims
/AdjustBonusClaimBlocks Adds or subtracts bonus claim blocks for a player./acbadjustclaimblocks
/AdjustBonusClaimBlocksAll Adds or subtracts bonus claim blocks for all online players. adjustclaimblocks
/SetAccruedClaimBlocks Updates a player’s accrued claim block total./scbadjustclaimblocks
/DeleteClaimDeletes the claim you’re standing in, even if it’s not your claim./dcdeleteclaims
/DeleteAllClaims Deletes all of another player’s claims. deleteclaims
/DeathBlow  deathbow
/SoftMute Toggles whether a player’s messages will only reach other soft-muted players. softmute
/GPreloadReloads Grief Prevention’s configuration settings. Does NOT totally reload the entire plugin. reload
/TransferClaim Converts an administrative claim to a private claim. transferclaim
/ClaimsList Lists information about a player’s claim blocks and claims. claimslistother
/Separate Forces two players to ignore each other in chat. separate
/ClaimBook Gives a player a manual about claiming land. claimbook
/DeleteClaimsInWorld Deletes all the claims in a world. Only usable at the server console. deleteclaimsinworld
/DeleteUserClaimsInWorld Deletes all the non-admin claims in a world. Only usable at the server console. deleteclaimsinworld
/UnlockDrops  unlockothersdrops